EYFS Curriculum Map Example: An Encounter and Discover CurriculumWe plan a curriculum based on children’s development, predictable interests and their own interests. Through careful observation of the children, we are able to find out their interests and what motivates them and promotes their engagement. We also look at world around us and how it is changing, and we follow current national and international events such as sporting events, Royal events and a range of festivals.
Medium term plan example:
Useful LinksHere is a link for an Early Years Activity Library Here is a link for the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage Characteristics of effective learning
Transition into Early YearsOpen information sessions at Silverwood School (3 x per year) ▼ Pupils issued with EHCP (Education Health Care Plan) ▼ Consultation of school placements ▼ School place offered ▼ TISMs (Transition into School Meetings) (Term 5) ▼ Visits to existing settings (Term 6) ▼ New starter session – Information sessions, including other professionals (for example Learning Disability Team, Wiltshire Parent and Carer Council), support with information sharing paperwork. (Term 6) Stay and Play sessions (Term 6) ▼ Home visits and outreach work (Beginning of Term 1) ▼ Stay and Play sessions/Phased Inductions (Beginning of Term 1) ▼ Planning meetings with Speech and Language Therapist and other Professionals (Term 1) ▼ Annual Reviews of EHCP (By end of Term 2) A Day in the Life of an EYFS Class at Silverwood…Satellite Provisions - TrowbridgeComments are closed.
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