PSHE Curriculum OverviewThis PSHE Curriculum is designed to ensure all Silverwood pupils develop the essential skills and attributes; to live a happy life in today and tomorrow’s society. The topics are planned and developed to be specific to the age of the pupil, but also takes into account their cognitive function and stage of development. Topics are repeated and developed throughout the pupil’s time at the school. Content is mapped and learning matches inevitable age related milestones e.g. puberty and age of consent etc. Staff take opportunities to over-teach PSHE themes in other subjects such as Science, Learning Outside the Classroom (LOTC), Life Skills, Animal Care, English, Drama, and use opportunities through-out the day to reinforce them, such as changing times, meal times, and play times. The whole school environment contributes to a pupil’s personal development. (See the Personal Development Statement for details). Silverwood’s PSHE curriculum is based firmly within the PSHE association Framework for pupils with SEND. ‘The World I Live In’ section covers aspects of PSHE relating to careers education, economic wellbeing, personal safety (including assessing and managing risk) and preparing for adulthood. Though not yet a statutory part of PSHE education, this learning is critical to support different levels of independence that pupils with SEND may have, as well as helping schools to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks for careers education as part of the DfE Careers Strategy. We know that it is not enough to simply teach pupils about the issues covered in the framework; it is vital they have the opportunity to explore, recognise and understand the subject content. Like all children and young people, pupils with SEND live in an increasingly ‘connected’ world. They are not always able to recognise or separate the ‘offline world’ from the ‘online world’; therefore, all topics are explored within the context of both. PSHE topics are tracked and through the Silverwood Assessment Branches and evidence is captured on the Evidence for Learning Platform. Opportunities are presented for pupils (where appropriate/possible) to:
The Planning Framework may be further modified and adapted to pupils’ needs by:
Opportunities are presented for pupils (where appropriate/possible)The Curriculum is based on the PSHRE associations SEND curriculum and has been adapted to ensure that it is accessible for all ages and stages of pupils at Silverwood School. The curriculum is mapped to ensure that each pupil receives the full coverage of topics through-out their time at the school. It should be read in conjunction with the SRE curriculum and includes revisiting topics to aid overlearning. The Curriculum can be viewed or printed by clicking the link below: ![]()
PSHE RSE Teaching Across The Week![]()
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