Silverwood School is passionate about delivering a creative and diverse curriculum that meets the needs of all pupils ensuring they are successful in their lives, both in the school community and beyond. Our ambitious curriculum is under-pinned by a fundamental belief in our Silverwood values; it ensures that all pupils reach their full potential and develop into the most independent and successful young adults that they can be. Silverwood School is a strong, nurturing community, which creates a sense of belonging and celebrates individual success at every opportunity.
Provision, which is based on strong positive relationships, identifies the needs of each individual pupil to develop communication, independence and their own sense of self. The school believes that working within communities and fully utilising all aspects of Learning Outside the Classroom are central to supporting well-being and preparation for adulthood. Providing different pathways through a holistic approach allows pupils to progress on personalised learning journeys. The curriculum is reflective of pupil need, regardless of cognitive level, and seeks to build progress in a bespoke manner. It is not limited by an age-specific approach, but instead pathways are shaped by needs identified within EHCPs, including as appropriate, access to a range of qualifications and accreditations. The curriculum at Silverwood School is designed to develop transferable skills that equip children and young people for life beyond school. Curriculum OverviewAll pupils are readers, writers and communicators. Pupils gain the necessary functional skills to be successful and confident communicators, readers and writers at a developmentally appropriate level. This provides them with the best opportunities to be valued and active members of society now and in the future. Teaching is engaging and pupil-centred, offering experiential learning in order to foster independent enquiry and curiosity. Communication and Literacy is a key life skill that enables pupils to engage with and access the world around them in a safe and meaningful way. All pupils are unique and have different ways of communicating. We use a Total Communication approach to ensure that every child’s voice is heard; we ensure they develop the appropriate skills to use it safely and effectively. Reading is a crucial life skill and embedded across the curriculum; we foster a love of reading. Pupils journey towards meaningful and functional marks as well as accessing phonics, spelling, punctuation and grammar sessions where appropriate. They use the written form as well as technology to support successful outcomes Subject IntentIf you can not see the subject intents for communication and literacy below, please follow this link
We support pupils to experience, appreciate, explore and enhance knowledge of the culture of our World. We empower and challenge all pupils to create something that expresses and communicates a part of their emotional self. We enable pupils to communicate in new ways, share their ideas, and commit them to record through a variety and breadth of experiences celebrating and recognising diversity. We believe in the value of the creative process, which is proven to create feelings of wellbeing. All pupils know that their work is valued and recognise that success is built on the freedom to experiment and make mistakes. Pupils learn that their work is appreciated and the joy it contains is shared. ‘Creativity is contagious, pass it on.’ (Einstein) Subject IntentIf you can not see the subject intents for expressive and creative arts below, please follow this link
Numeracy skills are needed throughout life. ‘Understanding the World’ encourages curiosity through exploration and problem solving. Through opportunities and experiential learning pupils gain functional life skills and engage in practical, fun activities to develop their knowledge of the wider world. Lessons incorporate values-based learning, Learning Outside the Classroom and the wider community, making experiences more meaningful, contextual and memorable. Learning how the world works, builds independence, increases pupils’ fine and gross motor skills and builds a sense of achievement. Subject IntentWe promote physical activity, emotional and social well-being and healthy lifestyles using an individualised approach that meets the holistic needs of the learner. Pupils are provided with rich and varied opportunities that develop skills as well as foster independence, self-esteem and emotional health. They are also helped to manage risks within a safe and supportive environment. Pupils learn to interact positively and safely, developing themselves as individuals and as part of a team or group, enabling skills such as collaboration and communication. Success is achieved, recognised and celebrated across the school community and beyond. Learning is meaningful and enjoyable, developing real life skills that are transferable, increasing knowledge and experience. Pupils make healthy life choices with their diet, safety and positive relationships and know how to ask for help and voice opinions. The positive values and attitudes nurtured are the vital foundations for pupil’s life-long and life-wide learning, empowering their citizenship and preparing them for adulthood. Subject IntentIf you can not see the subject intents for physical and personal development below, please follow this link
This curriculum area will engender a sense of awe and wonder for all pupils. Pupils are supported to develop a strong recognition of themselves, their self-identity and culture. This celebrates their importance and interdependence in the local and wider community. Pupils will develop practical, transferable and repeatable skills in a wide variety of contexts both in and out of school. All key stages will focus on developing life skills and preparation for adulthood. Diversity, equality and respect will be taught to ensure that pupils know themselves and the importance of celebrating difference. The wider world will form the context from which pupils can learn from the past, in the present, for their futures. Subject Intent |
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