Introduction Easy ReadPlease click the button below to read (or print) the Introduction Easy Read in PDF format: Post 16 CurriculumThe post 16 curriculum is designed to provide a challenging and purposeful next step in education for learners with PMLD and SLD. It promotes pupil voice, advocacy and meaningful choice through a total communication approach. This enables students to be valued and celebrated members of local communities, both now and in the future. The curriculum pathway is informed by what has gone before and is supported by a clear understanding of wider opportunities beyond Silverwood. EHCP outcomes and pupil voice provide opportunities for personalisation and is a celebration of the individual child and for ambitious goals. The Silverwood Post 16 curriculum is matched to need and pupil interest. It also ensures links with different provisions wherever possible. Our Post 16 curriculum aims to;
The curriculum is based on the four Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) outcomes outlined by the Department for Education; Employment, Health, Independent living and Community Participation. Each young person follows a personalised learning programme, which is built up of a range of qualifications, vocational learning, work experience opportunities and therapeutic/sensory input. Accreditations include:
We develop employability skills through vocational learning experiences within the local community, dedicated work experience and supported internships where appropriate. If would like to discuss Post 16 please contact Beth Jones, Head of Learning 01249 650435 or Emma Boore 01249 444008, option 4 Useful information: Example Post 16 timetables:
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